Kentucky is a great place to live, but the roads can often be difficult to navigate. Elizabethtown has many major routes passing in and around it, like Interstate 65 and U.S. Highway 62. The reality is that these busy roads bring in traffic from all over the state as...
Better Solutions For Your Family, Future And Finances.
Month: December 2021
Can you collect from heirs if a client passes away?
If you have a client or customer who owes you money, and they pass away, you might consider contacting their heirs to ask them to pay back the debt. You are sorry for their loss, but you could still be looking at thousands of dollars in debt that needs to be repaid,...
Consider these factors when enlisting a new business partner
Although you may have done much of the groundwork on your own, there will probably come a time where you need some help with growing your business. There are numerous options open to you at this point, including seeking out a new business partner. Choosing the right...