When you decide to go into business for yourself, you want to make sure that your business has the structure that best meets your needs. The business structure you choose will impact how your profits are taxed and whether you will be personally liable if your business...
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Firm News
Dealing with dissatisfied clients
Every now and then, a business is going to have a difficult situation with a client. Sometimes, they might just be disgruntled with the product or the service or it might be something even far more serious, like missing a deadline or your client filing a lawsuit...
What to keep in mind during the initial days of a new business
When a person sets out on an entrepreneurial venture, an important decision that the person needs to make is related to choosing the right legal entity for the new businesses. An earlier post discussed the various options that are available, namely, sole...
Why is estate planning important for farmers?
To many people, estate planning seems like an activity that is reserved for the rich. While those with significant assets certainly need a strong estate plan, the protections provided by estate planning tools can benefit everyone, including farmers. If you own and...
Choosing the best business form for your new business
Choosing a business form is an important first step to any business venture. It is important that the best business form for the venture is chosen with care and thoughtfully selected because it impacts many parts of the business and it starts up and as it begins to...
Outlining the Executor’s Duties
When a person with measurable assets dies, someone will need to be appointed as a personal representative to settle the decedent's estate. This process called "probate" involves collecting assets, paying debts and taxes, and distributing the remaining assets according...
Probate Disputes Explained
The settling of an estate of a deceased person is a process which involves winding up the financial affairs of the decedent, collecting assets, paying debts and taxes, and distributing the remaining assets according to the directions set forth in a will, or in the...
The Purpose of Avoiding Probate
When someone dies with a will, their will is admitted to what is called "probate." Probate is the court-supervised legal procedure where a will is proven to be valid, the decedent's debts and claims against the estate are paid off, and lastly, the remaining assets are...
Asset Protection: Shielding Assets from Threats
Unfortunately, there are individuals out there who abuse the legal system to deprive others of their life's work. In this highly litigious society, millions of people file lawsuits against physicians, attorneys, entrepreneurs, corporations and wealthy individuals for...