When your parents pass away, they have remaining debt. Maybe you and your siblings discover that they owe a significant amount of money on credit cards, they still have a mortgage on their house and they have other outstanding debts they haven’t paid. This could even...
Better Solutions For Your Family, Future And Finances.
Month: June 2023
Farmers have unique estate planning considerations
Estate planning is a crucial task for everyone, but it features unique complexities for farmers. In addition to personal assets, farmers must consider many other factors, including land, livestock, equipment and, often, a deeply rooted family legacy. This intricacy is...
Is a living will enough?
You could make a living will as part of your estate plan. This is a type of advance directive. It can be used to spell out your medical wishes so that future doctors can see what you want if you become incapacitated and you can’t make those wishes known on your own....