If you have a client or customer who owes you money, and they pass away, you might consider contacting their heirs to ask them to pay back the debt. You are sorry for their loss, but you could still be looking at thousands of dollars in debt that needs to be repaid,...
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Debt Collection
How a lien helps you collect on a debt
Collecting on a past-due debt isn't easy. People who don't want to pay their debts may take extreme measures to avoid financial responsibility. They might quit a job after the court applies a garnishment to their wages. They might cancel their phone service and move...
Strategies for minimizing the need for collections
There’s nothing more frustrating – not to mention potentially harmful to your business – than to have a customer who doesn’t pay on time or in full. It can significantly affect your cash flow and your ability to pay your own bills if you’re dealing with a customer who...
When damage to an apartment leads to unpaid debt
Buying residential properties to rent them out can be a decision that leads to a lifetime of income. People will always need housing, so provided that you keep your properties in good condition, you can expect to consistently be able to rent the units that you own to...
Should garnishment be part of your debt collection practices?
When someone owes your business money, it can be hard to get them to pay. Some people fall behind on their financial obligations through no fault of their own. Others willfully refuse to work on paying off their outstanding debts. If someone owes your company money...
Why do clients fail to pay?
Few things are as frustrating as providing a product or a service to a client who promises to pay and then finding that they are never going to make good on that promise. Even if you took a down payment at the beginning to protect yourself, they may not pay the...
Having a lawyer help you collect the debts you are owed
Those who own businesses here in the Elizabethtown, KY, region know they cannot let unpaid bills mount. To manage a business or company effectively, you must have a steady stream of income. When customers do not pay, it harms your business and your financial accounts....
Don’t cause your business problems when collecting debts
Making sure that your customers pay you the money you’re owed is a priority for many companies. You have to learn the ins and outs of collections if you plan on handling these in-house. There are some things that you can’t do because they may be illegal or construed...
Collect debts when they’re owed with the support you need
When you run a business, you can’t let people go without paying. If you did, then you’d likely end up in a situation where you couldn’t pay for your own expenses. You would see your profits decline, which isn’t the goal. As a commercial landlord, you try to be fair to...
Freelancers: What happens if a client doesn’t pay you?
The gig economy is alive and well in America today, and a lot of creative freelancers rely entirely on their skills and services for an income. Unfortunately, getting some of their clients to pay on time -- or pay them at all -- can be a problem. If you’re a...